Hello guys welcome to Tech-Abhishek. In this post I will give you the best way to improve your brain power. So read this post to increase your IQ level. Because your IQ level help you to think, analyze, and etc.
>> Amazing Brain Hack Will Blow your Mind
Somebody says that IQ is inborn talent. But you can increase your IQ and decrease also. So nobody thinks that I have to decrease. In this post we will give the best way to improve your brain power. When you will increase are IQ you will be.
- Smart thinker
- Problem Solver
- Decision Maker
- Quick thinker
If you want to be all this think so you must have read this post and follow all these tips which i will give you in this post. So let's began.
>> best-way-to-improve-your-brain-power
Change the order
If you have notice so we are doing the same thing in a particular way. So we have to change the order, for example: - If you are doing the brush in right hand. Then you can do brush with your left hand and. There are so may work we are doing in the same way or a particular order.
So let's change the order, just do opposite what you are doing. Just like I have given the example of brush and many other things that we are doing in the same way so change the order.
When you are changing the order your brain become alert and when your brain become alert. Then your IQ will increase and this is the best way to improve your brain power.
Expand your Imagination
It means making someone's imagination to you. That means if you are talking with someone. If another person is talking that there is one hero in London and running on the road. Now you have to think the hero make the hero run on the road.
The best to make imagination is novel. Just like i have the example above like this you have read the novel which you want. And make the imagination in your brain read carefully and make imagination.
There are so many experiments is done by imagining. When you are imagining something that will effect to your brain. It helps you to increase your IQ.
>>The best way to improve your brain power.
Retest yourself
You have to retest yourself. Just take the test related to your field or your subject. On the test you have to give you MCQ based test. After completing you all test checks the answer, then check your answer.
If some answer yours doesn't correct ten learn the answer of question and retest yourself after 5 days. Take your test when your all answer will not correct.
When you are doing a retest yourself, you remember power is increasing. When you remember power is increasing then you will be a good thinker.
>> best-way-to-improve-your-brain-power
Treat For Your Brain
We have to treat our brain.That means make your mind healthy because when our mind become healthy. Automatically our IQ level will increase, so first we have to improve our breakfast.
our breakfast must be rich protein, vitamin and etc. So we have to improve our breakfast and if you are doing exercise then this is very helpful for you.
Because when we are doing exercises out heart pump more blood. And our brain rich more and our brain become faster and this is the best way to improve your brain power.
Give right stress
On the night when your brain become tired then you must have to take a right stress, for example avoid your mobile phone or tv. Play brain game to increase your IQ.
Read This
In this post I have given the best-way-to-improve-your-brain-power. Sop if you like this post, please comment us I will happy. If you have any query related this post you are free to contact us. Thank you